Cookie Policy

Last Updated: September 2023

1. Introduction:

This website,, uses cookies to ensure its proper functionality and to collect information about user interactions to enhance the experience. This policy provides details on how and why we use cookies.

2. What are Cookies?

Cookies are small text files stored on your device (computer, mobile phone, tablet, etc.) when you visit our website. They help the site remember specific information about your visits to provide a tailored browsing experience.

3. Types of Cookies We Use:

– Essential Cookies: These are necessary for our website to function. They enable core functionalities like the subscription form’s operation.

– Performance/Analytics Cookies: We use these to gather data about visits and user behavior. This information helps us improve our content and understand how visitors interact with our site.

4. Third-Party Cookies:

We’ve integrated third-party traffic trackers to understand our website’s performance better. These services may use their own cookies. You can find out more about how they use cookies by checking their respective privacy policies.

5. Managing Cookies:

Most web browsers allow you to control cookies through their settings. If you’d prefer to reject or delete cookies, please refer to your browser’s help documentation. However, do note that disabling cookies might affect the functionality of our website.

6. Data Collection via Subscription Form:

When you subscribe to our content, we collect your email address. This is solely used for sending newsletters or updates about our content. We respect your privacy and will not share your email with third parties without your consent.

7. Updates to This Policy:

We may update this cookie policy from time to time. Any changes will be posted on this page, so you are always informed about how we use cookies.

8. Contact Us:

For any questions regarding this cookie policy, feel free to contact us at