Development of people management skills – level 2
Throughout time, one of the greatest challenges faced by managers, department heads, supervisors, and those in leadership roles has been the management of human resources, essentially their people. People are the core of any organization. Strategies that focus only on systems and structures for performance enhancement and neglect the human element are doomed to fail. Research indicates that employees who are satisfied with their managers and the way they are managed are far more likely to trust in the future of the organization and, thus, are expected to stay with the company longer, giving their best for the success of the organization, which is a tremendous advantage for employers. On the other hand, many employees who leave an organization cite their supervisor as one of the primary reasons for their departure.
This seminar includes information and models from Dr. Thomas Gordon’s book, “Leader Effectiveness Training”, which are applied to current scenarios. It is the second of three parts in a series of seminars on human resource skill development. This seminar is intended for individuals with experience or knowledge in human resource management, as well as those who attended the first part. It has been specifically designed for this target audience in a way that will assist them in their development in the topics that will be covered. This seminar will provide participants with contemporary and advanced, compared to the first level, knowledge, skills, capabilities, and behaviors to help them succeed in the challenging role of managing their people. Attendees will learn essential skills and techniques required to enhance the human resource management capabilities of their organization. Specifically, the seminar will address the participants’ needs such as workplace communication, stress management, providing feedback and guidance for team performance improvement, and modifying employee behavior in the workplace to align with the organization’s culture.
- Improving communication in the workplace nowadays
- Managing stress in the workplace
- Ways to accept all employees and their diversity
- The 12 types of guidance for task execution
- How to guide a colleague with unacceptable behavior to transform his/her behavior into acceptable
- Conflict management in the workplace Implementation of the “no lose” method in practice.
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